Soy Un Perdedor, I'm A Loser, Baby
A little late. I was driving Monday, had no internet Tuesday, and driving again yesterday. So - I stepped on my scale this morning and it's right where it was when I left, 166. Not bad! I did do a little running in Denver, and in Wyoming I ran once with Remy, once with my sister, once with the sis and Remy, and walked once with the sis. Plus I was on my feet a lot with the family reunion. Did not eat very well, but did stay somewhat active. In my final stop, Wetmore, I walked twice with the MIL and Rem. Now I'm home. Finally! This morning Rem and I walked with Miss Jess and her lovely little boy. Tomorrow J has the day off, so we'll get up and run. He'll probably go off on one of his long runs. I will do a 3 miler, since I don't know how far I've been going in Rock Springs. I think it's at least 1.5 miles, but I'll have to map it out. had 2 hills in the route, too. So now I've got to step up the distance before I leave on my next trip. So o