
Showing posts from June, 2011

Soy Un Perdedor, I'm A Loser, Baby

A little late. I was driving Monday, had no internet Tuesday, and driving again yesterday. So - I stepped on my scale this morning and it's right where it was when I left, 166. Not bad! I did do a little running in Denver, and in Wyoming I ran once with Remy, once with my sister, once with the sis and Remy, and walked once with the sis. Plus I was on my feet a lot with the family reunion. Did not eat very well, but did stay somewhat active. In my final stop, Wetmore, I walked twice with the MIL and Rem. Now I'm home. Finally! This morning Rem and I walked with Miss Jess and her lovely little boy. Tomorrow J has the day off, so we'll get up and run. He'll probably go off on one of his long runs. I will do a 3 miler, since I don't know how far I've been going in Rock Springs. I think it's at least 1.5 miles, but I'll have to map it out. had 2 hills in the route, too. So now I've got to step up the distance before I leave on my next trip. So o

Runners vs. Bikers

That's bikers on bicycles, not bikers on motorcycles. Remy and I went for a run this morning. Turns out today is also Bike To Work Day . So the trails Remy and I were on had lots of bicycles going by. I tried to make Rem stick by my side, but he is a dog. The thing that gets me is not the people going the opposite way, but those who pass me from behind. The majority of those who passed me did just that. Passed. Came out of nowhere and passed. Fewer than half tried to say something. I tried to thank those who did say something. Now, I ride a bike at home. I run. I do both. It's not hard to say something. On your left! Behind you! Passing! Track! Get the f* out of the way! Something, anything, to let me know that you are behind me. Because, trust me, you will see me long before I will hear your bike. Just a little warning allows me to make sure that my dog is close to my side. Silence gets you nothing. I don't know you're coming, so I can't reign in my puppy. An

Raton Pass

Ok. Forgot to blog about this yesterday. On my drive up here, I took I-25 North through Raton Pass, in Raton, NM. This time last week, Raton Pass was closed. there was a wildfire tearing through the area, and it burned right over the interstate. It was opened back up by the time I went through, but speed was reduced as a cautionary measure. There were charred spots on both sides of the road. It looked like the fire just jumped over the interstate in multiple spots. Lots of black. Lots of char. Lots of dead. Problem is, the dead wasn't just in the burned areas. There was lots of dead undergrowth in the still living areas. Which is why these fires are so bad. It's so dry everywhere, a small spark can set it off. I grew up in a dry area. Most of my life was in a drought. I always had a great appreciation for rain and water. I think that's why I love big rivers and lakes so much. I understand how hard it is when there's no water. No snow in the winter means no run-off

Soy Un Perdedor, I'm A Loser, Baby

Today's post comes to you from Denver. I'm on vacation. Just me and the mutt. It's raining today. It's been raining since last night, and it's only about 51 degrees out. Silly me didn't bring my long sleeve running top or my running jacket. So I don't have the right clothing to go running in the rain. And Rembrandt doesn't know what to do with this stuff falling on him. He won't leave the shelter of the stairwell where we are staying. Which means he hasn't gone potty since last night. (yes, potty. my dog understands the command, "go potty.") So this week's theme is exercise tips. This is a hard one simply because it's different for everyone. One of my fellow linkers,  Battles on the Homefront , covered it well - you have to find what works for you. I've done all kinds of workouts before. I used to be a member at Curves, and it worked well when I first joined, but I think reached a point where it just wasn't enough

Fun Little Game

I was checking out my LiveJournal friends and one of them had this. It kinda looked like fun, so I'm doing it. Bold responses mean they are true for me. Italicized is close to true. (behind the jump)

The Wonderful World of Shoes

I could easily become a shoe addict. Not just any shoe addict, but a minimalist shoe addict. This thought came to you today courtesy of Runblogger 's latest shoe review. Merrell has added another "barefoot" shoe to their selection, the Lithe Glove . It's much like the Pace Glove , which I already own and love to death, but the material is closed, not mesh, so it won't allow in the sand and water like my Pace Gloves do. I also am still considering the Pure Glove . The only thing holding me back is the fact that my feet get really smelly in my Pace Gloves, and I worry that the smell would get out with the open mary jane style of the Pure Glove. I've also considered getting a pair of Toms . These simple canvas shoes look like a great everyday shoe that I can run around in sans socks. I hate socks. According to my Mom, I have always preferred bare feet. I practically live in flip flops anymore. Especially since I get sandal weather most of the year living i

Soy Un Perdedor, I'm A Loser, Baby

So I didn't weigh myself this morning. Didn't even think about it till I read Jess's post over at Learning As We Go . But, I can say that last week's major disappointment on my weigh-in went back down during the week, to the previous week's weight. My darling Aunt Flo is coming for a visit this week as well, so I don't know how much I'd trust a weigh-in today, anyway. I also ran 5 miles last week. Wednesday. Today was only 3 miles, but my legs are still stiff from the yard work we did Saturday. And the dog was being a stinker. Ah, today's theme is lunches. Honestly, I usually eat leftovers for lunch. Lunch is one time when I have trouble. I usually tend to eat too much, but every once in a while, I will barely eat anything, or even forget to eat lunch all together if I get busy. Yes, I have honestly forgotten to eat lunch before. Just a couple weeks ago, in fact. Didn't remember until I was talking to Mom later that day. Dang. I don't have

Feeling the Need to Write

So I'm writing. Bark For Life is finally over. It went well, but I sure don't miss the stress of planning it. I really hope someone else is interested in chairing the next one. I'll gladly help out but to go back to being in the background. That's where I'm happy. It's been so nice to get back to my lazy, nothing-to-do schedule. I do feel kind of bad sometimes, enjoying my stay-at-home lifestyle while J works his ass off. I really do like it, though. If I did find a job here, I would want it part time. It would be nice to have the extra spending cash, but I just don't know. Looking for a job here gets me depressed. I didn't realize just how busy I'd been lately until I wasn't busy anymore. I had a lunch date with my neighbor yesterday and a playdate at the dog park today. I baked banana bread this afternoon. I actually got work done on the quilt I've been sewing FOREVER. My goal is to have it at least quilted by Friday. It's ready t

Soy Un Perdedor, I'm A Loser, Baby

Well, not much of a loser this week. I am extremely disappointed in my weigh-in this morning. I don't even want to tell you the number I saw on that scale. However, I splurged on food all weekend. So, today's topic is Motivation! This may seem odd, but my parents motivate me, not in the way you think. They are both overweight and struggle with it. My dad has health problems due to/aggravated by his weight. I saw that in both of them, and decided I had to start now (a few years ago) to not be at that point later on. They have also both been great positive motivators, telling me I look good, encouraging me to keep running and take better care of myself. They let me/us help cook and pick meals when we visit so we can have the healthier options we are used to. My husband is also a big motivator for me. He has always and will always find me beautiful. I know that. I believe that. But he is a very active person. I used to have a hard time keeping up with him. I still do sometim