Soy Un Perdedor

I keep thinking I should check the grammar on this weekly post, since Spanish uses gender, but then I tell myself it's a song quote and I don't have to worry about it. I'm lazy that way.

Anywho, I didn't even track my weight in WW this week. Bad girl, I know. But it's Thanksgiving! I let myself cheat big time on Thanksgiving day. I had seconds. Of all the starches. But OMG were they delicious. Then I had 2 desserts. Yes, I'm a very bad girl.

However, I did make up for some of it today. J and I went on a bike ride. We only rode together for the first couple miles, then J took off. He, of course, went much faster and farther than I. I managed to keep an average 13 mph speed (super slow) and did a total of 34 miles. That's a distance record for me. I did 30 miles a month ago for the Tour De Tolerance, so I pushed myself with this. My thighs and knees were screaming at me when I finished.

So let me share a little trick with you all. Or y'all, since I do live in Texas. J actually read all of Chi Running, by Danny Dreyer, whereas I just read about half. In a section in the last half, Danny talks about recovery. He's done many marathons, and recommends laying down and raising your legs. I'm not talking about putting a pillow under your feet, but laying down and putting your feet up on the seat of a chair (knees bent). It drains the lactic acid, apparently, and a build up of lactic acid is what makes you sore after working out. So if you run, bike, or just walk a lot, try it.

It worked wonders today after the ride. I pushed the passenger seat in the Jeep all the way back, laid the seat-back down, and put my feet on the dash. Right away, the pain went away. I sat for just a few minutes at first, then went into a store at the shopping center we were parked at to use the restroom. By then, J had returned, so I made him put his feet up, too. He just laid on the ground with his feet on the bumper. Again, it felt better right away (he did 50 miles, by the way).

Anywho, I found out that biking for 2 hours and 39 minutes at 12mph or faster earns me a full day's worth of activity points. Wow. I needed those, since I splurged a bit yesterday. And we're doing cheese and crackers for dinner tonight, which is high points value.

My belly off workout wasn't sticking. I need something more flexible, and I was missing my running. So I think I will try something new. Run 3 days a week, and do whatever workout I feel like 2 to 3 days. I got my pilates dvd back out, and enjoyed it. I am thinking of trying to make the pilates class they have at the gym. They have a Thursday class at the gym close to me that I could make 2 or 3 weeks of the month. They also have this Body Sculpt class on Tuesdays. It might be worth a try. We'll see.

I need to bike more, too. Maybe try to bike on weekends. We're doing the Oryx Challenge next weekend, but I'm only doing the 30K (18.5 miles) while J does the 100K (60 miles) with a friend.

There is also a half marathon on post in January. I still need to sign up. But I definitely plan on doing it. I didn't get to do the 2 in this area I had thought of, in November and December. Missed the November one because a visit to Grandpa was more important. And missing the December one because we're just too busy. So January it is. Gives me time to get some long runs in and get myself back up to pace. In fact, I think I'll sign up tonight.

So, anywho, I've had a lot going on and no time to blog. Might try to sit down tomorrow and give an update on the rest of my life.


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