Hey, It's 2013

Or "The Library" if you're triskaidekaphobic. Dr. Who references apply, because the Bloggess is a Whovian.

I realized it's been a week since I blogged. Thought I should catch you up on some things.

First, I didn't get my harvest box. Turns out they changed the cut-off time to Saturday, but I didn't read the whole email stating that (and apparently some others joined me in this), and nothing on the website told me that anything was different. I'm lucky enough to know one of the people in charge at my pick-up location, and she gave me some extras from the temple's box. I have my potatoes, a couple pairs, and a head of garlic. I also had a persimmon, which I ate, and it was tasty. The company deleted the faulty order to make sure I wasn't charged for it.

So I got my order in yesterday and WILL get a whole box this week. In the meantime, I have all I need for my vegetarian shepherd's pie, so I'm going to try to make that tonight. Fun note: at allrecipes.com, they have this feature that lets you change the number of servings a recipe will make, and it changes the ingredients list to match that. Because honestly, if I make enough shepherd's pie for 6 people, I'll be throwing some of it away.

After the box fiasco, it decided to snow. Like, real snow that I could actually make snowballs with. That is rare down here.

We went to the dog park to play in fresh snow.

That was Thursday. Today is Sunday. There is still some snow in the backyard, in the strip along the back fence that the sun never touches.

I did follow through with my first week of SimpleFit. On day 1, I'm alternating between jumping pull-ups and hanging from the bar for 3 seconds (with shoulder shrugs, because that's all I can do). Day 2 is more jumping than hanging, and day 3 is all jumping because it's for time. I am feeling "the burn" from it still. My push-ups are the girly knee kind, but again, I'm feeling it. Squats are easier than those for me, so I'm really focusing on keeping good form when I do those. My plan is to go through the levels like this for now, and see if I can eventually switch to real push-ups and maybe even do a real pull-up. I might start over at that point and focus on the real push-ups and pull-ups.

What else? I didn't run much this week. Monday, New Year's Eve, I was fighting off a migraine. I did take Remy for a walk that day. Wednesday was a good run, and Friday was freezing cold and icy. Today is also freezing cold, but I'm going to try to get out there later. Or I may give in and use a treadmill. The half marathon is next weekend.

Speaking of NYE, I spent it with fellow lonely wives. We all have deployed hubbies, so we all spent the evening with our smart phones handy to check email. We played card games, watched a movie, and ate and drank. Well, drank just a little. I was sober enough to drive home at 0230. I think Remy appreciated it.

Oh, Rembrandt. My moody little puppy. After Bosco went back home to his family, Remy got sad. And with my crazy hours on NYE, he's been extra moody this week. He will refuse breakfast, then want more at dinner. At this point, as long as he eats once a day, I'm not too worried. Although he has been really gassy the past 24 hours. Like super smelly. I'm hoping it's from him being too moody.

my emo dog

Anything else? I purchased my tickets for my annual Good Friday date. Making it a shorter trip than usual this year, because J would like to try to make a trip back out that way when he gets home. A couple boys from our Boy Scout Troop back in KS have just made Eagle. They both want J there, and J wants to be there. So of course that means I get to try to coordinate something. I figured I would save a little on my Easter trip since we'll try to be right back there, probably about a month later. Plus we have our June trip to CO.

That is everything that has happened in the past week. Busy busy. Time for breakfast.


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